

South Carolina is blessed with fertile soil, plentiful rainfall, and a historically strong agricultural legacy, yet we face many of the same challenges as states across the country: farm loss and consolidation, aging farmers, rising barriers to entry, international trade uncertainty, and evolving regulations, to name a few.

We believe that South Carolina’s farmers, processors, agribusinesses, and customers are up to the challenge. South Carolina needs people with passion for growing an agribusiness, because in doing so they grow a farm, a supply chain, and a community. Above all, we need farmers who are entrepreneurs: innovative leaders willing to work hard and think outside the box to bring healthy, diversified crops and products to the market.

It’s ACRE’s job to seek out and support such farmers. By hosting agribusiness workshops, running grant competitions for entrepreneurs, teaching new and beginning farmers the business skills they need to prosper, funding research, and supporting farmland transfer, ACRE works to inspire entrepreneurship and strengthen South Carolina agriculture from the bottom up.


Kyle E. Player  •  Executive Director 
803-734-2324  •  kplayer@scda.sc.gov

Annel K. Greene, Ph.D.  •  Director, ACRE Research 
803-722-0551  •  agreene@scda.sc.gov


Since 2017, ACRE has:

•  Hosted agricultural workshops for 3,000 state residents (’18 – ’24)

•  Provided intensive agribusiness training to 131 entrepreneurs

•  Given grants totaling $1,412,500 to 132 entrepreneurs

•  Funded 49 major, industry-driven research projects

•  Served people in every South Carolina county

•  Received 7 USDA Rural Business Development Grants to extend our reach in rural South Carolina



“The ACRE program continues to be a valuable and important partner in our agribusiness. What started as an opportunity for not just grant funding, but also to solidify our business plan and gain experience in pitching our company to others, has continued to be a valuable relationship and resource in the last five years. Not only has our company benefitted and grown because of ACRE, but also ourselves as entrepreneurs in SC.” – 2019 Advanced Awardee

“This is a great program, and it has the potential to help a lot of small businesses. It has helped me to get to the next step financially, and has raised my confidence in myself, and my business.” – 2023 Curriculum Awardee

“The ACRE Advanced Grant provided the initial impetus for us to develop a business plan. Although we did not receive the grant the first year, it was an incredible experience. The next year, we received the grant, and it was life changing. Since that time, Kyle and her network have worked tirelessly to support our efforts.” – 2020 Advanced Awardee

“ACRE gave me even more confidence in my ability to transition into the Agriculture Industry as a new female farmer. The content, information and resources have been invaluable!” – Curriculum 2022 Awardee